Valley Box is a national leader when it comes to building heavy-duty trade show crates that properly protect your booth and display.
Our mission is to design the perfect custom crate to meet your specific needs. Trade shows are an excellent opportunity to make sales, build relationships and collect qualified leads.
If you followed Valley Box's 10 Things To Do Before Attending a Trade Show, then the next step is making sure you get the best return on investment.
Ready to get started on your trade show crates?
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1. Check-in
Arrive early and have cash on hand for parking and food. Don’t forget your marketing collateral from your vehicle, it could be a long way back to the parking garage from the exhibit hall.
Get your badge from the registration area and trade show program guide, and ask for a bag (or bring your own) to gather materials during your visit.
Tip: If possible, request literature and samples be mailed instead of having to carry them with you.
2. Map a Route
An updated show guide and floor plan will probably be provided when you arrive. Take some time to revise your plan, if necessary, to visit the booths you want to from your research.
Tip: Make sure you look for last-minute additions to the exhibitors and check them in the program guide.
3. Social Posts
Tweeting during the show will help to maintain a relationship with other attendees as well as keep your followers' attention - plus give them an insider's perspective on products and events at the trade show. Here are some tips for your mid-show tweets. Don't forget to use the Trade Show's #hashtags.
Tip: Don't know about hashtags? Click here
4. Catch your Breath
Take a break after a few hours to refresh, have a snack, and get some fresh air. Most likely there will be other attendees doing the same thing. Use this as an opportunity to chat them up!
Tip: Visit the restroom to freshen up before you go back to the exhibit hall floor.
5. Protect your assets

While you're off taking that break to catch your breath if there is no one watching your booth you could become a victim of trade show theft.
It isn't uncommon for exhibitors to have valuables stolen, such as AV and electrical equipment, during the show when a booth is unattended.
Tip: Consider investing in reversible trade show crates, invented by Valley Box to help solve the most common challenges of exhibiting. The design allows you to easily tuck away valuables amongst many other advantages.
6. Practice Good Manners
Make sure your badge is in plain sight while browsing trade show booths, wait your turn when waiting to speak to someone, do not cut in lines, be patient, smile, and always thank them for their time and tell them to "Have a good trade show".
Tip: Follow these other Trade Show Day-Of Do's and Don'ts.
7. Takes Notes
Ask the exhibitor for information about their company and their business card. Ask for the name of the appropriate person to speak to after the trade show for your specific product or service (now you have 2 contacts). Have a pen and notebook ready for notes.
Tip: Jot down pertinent information on the back of business cards to remind yourself later.
8. Leave Early
If you arrived on time and accomplished everything you set out to, then don't feel guilty for leaving a bit early. This may help you to avoid long lines for buses and cabs.
Tip: This usually doesn't apply if you are exhibiting, sorry.
9. After Hours Events
Evaluate if any after-hour parties are worth your time. Remember you're acting as an ambassador for your company... getting drunk at a trade show-related event may reflect poorly not only on you but your company.
Tip: Be like Richard Branson and ask for cranberry juice and soda in a champagne glass, and no one will know you've opted out of drinking for the evening.
10. Major Don'ts at the trade show
Don't be afraid to introduce yourself to others.
- Don't linger too long at each booth.
- Don't stay in uninteresting conversations. If the attendee or exhibitor you're speaking with isn't someone you are interested in doing business with, save yourselves some time and politely move along.
- Don't forget the details. Appearances are important when it comes to first impressions and having professional shoes, clothes, and accessories will go a long way.
- Don't chew gum. Use breath mints, no one wants to hear you smacking away.
- Don’t ask trite questions. Such as: "How are you doing today?" or "Are you enjoying the show?". Your opening line should engage them with something you specifically have to offer “Tell me how your company handles it's [related products/services]?” "How did you find the lecture about [product/services of interest]?"
- Don’t just transmit, ask questions. Sure you want to pitch your stuff, but this is a fantastic opportunity for market research about your potential customers! Come up with 3-5 questions that you’re going to ask of people, then ask away. No need to carefully record the results — the big trends will be obvious and the rest is noise.
- Don’t sit. When you'd like to engage in conversations with others, stand. Sitting looks like you don’t want to be there. It’s uninviting. The head-height differential is psychologically off-putting.
Remember trade shows can be incredibly effective, but they can also be a complete waste of time and money if you don't plan well enough in advance. Additionally, a trade show can be a waste of time if you don't use the momentum of the event to your advantage, read our 10 Things To Do After Attending a Show.
About Valley Box
Valley Box is a premiere industrial-grade crating company protecting manufacturer's products inside custom wood crates and made-to-order material handling equipment since 1965.
Valley Box's crating experts develop specialized solutions for trade show crates which require additional planning to design the interior so that display components can be conveniently removed and loaded on location while maintaining proper protection during transit.
Valley Box helps you maximize your trade show display investment by incorporating protective details such as; foam or carpet lined surfaces, metal-edged corners, vibrant painted exteriors, loading ramps, pedestals on casters, and more.